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**関連する成果発表等の一覧 [#u8033ad4]

***著作・論文 [#i1aaf7c4]

-下田正弘「経典を創出する―大乗世界の出現」『大乗仏教の誕生:シリーズ大乗仏教2』, 春秋社, 2011, pp. 37-71.
-下田正弘「経典研究の展開からみた大乗仏教」『大乗仏教とはなにか:シリーズ大乗仏教1』, 春秋社, 2011, pp. 39-71.
-下田正弘「仏教学のゆくえ―弁証法的運動体としての仏教理解」『現代仏教の可能性:新アジア仏教史15』, 佼成出版社, 2011, pp. 424-435.
-下田正弘「近代仏教学の形成と展開」『仏教の形成と展開:新アジア仏教史2』, 佼成出版社, 2010, pp. 13-55.
-下田正弘「日本の仏教学の120年を回顧して」『佛教史学研究』52, 2010, pp. 69-81.
-下田正弘「戦前日本における仏教研究」『宗教研究』363, 2010, pp. 80-81.
-下田正弘ほか『戒律と倫理』, 平楽寺書店, 2009.
-下田正弘「媒体の展開としての仏教史:教典研究と人文学の一将来像」『宗教史とはなにか』, リトン, 2009, pp. 451-476.
-下田正弘「仏教の倫理を考察するための視点―縁起から二諦へ」『日本仏教学会年報』74, 2009, pp. 1-13.
-下田正弘「涅槃について―仏教における「いのち」」『東方』24, 2009, pp. 30-45.
-下田正弘「伝承といういとなみ―実践仏教の解釈学」『親鸞教学』93, 2009, pp. 23-45.
-苫米地等流「Jnanamitra造『百五十頌般若註』再考」『印度学仏教学研究』58-2, 2010, pp. 99-102.
-永崎研宣「インド学仏教学分野におけるデジタル媒体の活用と課題」『印度学仏教学研究』60-2, 2012, pp. 1111-1116.
-永崎研宣「大蔵経の歴史と現在」『現代仏教の可能性:新アジア仏教史15』, 佼成出版社, 2011, pp. 15-53.
-永崎研宣「人文科学のためのデジタルアーカイブにおける「コンテンツのサイクル」」『東洋学へのコンピュータ利用第19回研究セミナー』, 京都大学21世紀COE東アジア世界の人文情報学研究教育拠点, 2008, pp. 115-125.
-永崎研宣, 苫米地等流, Dorji Wangchuk, Orna Almogi, 下田 正弘「人文学のためのコラボレーション―ITLR コラボレーションシステムの開発を中心的事例として」『人文科学とコンピュータシンポジウム論文集』, (社) 情報処理学会, 2011, pp. 155-160.
-永崎研宣, 下田正弘「東洋古典文献研究におけるデジタルテクストの適切な記述方法について―インド学仏教学のための学術知識基盤の構築に向けて」『人文科学とコンピュータシンポジウム論文集』, (社) 情報処理学会, 2010, pp. 311-316.
-永崎研宣, 下田正弘ほか「仏教辞典『法賓義林』目録のデジタル化」『人文科学とコンピュータシンポジウム論文集』, (社) 情報処理学会, 2010, pp. 305-310.
-永崎研宣, 白須裕之, 下田正弘「大蔵経における多言語対訳コーパスの構築」『人文科学とコンピュータシンポジウム論文集』, (社) 情報処理学会, 2009, pp. 129-134.
-永崎研宣, 下田正弘「「人文系データベース」における相互運用性をめぐる諸問題」『人文科学とコンピュータシンポジウム論文集』, (社) 情報処理学会, 2008, pp. 19-26. 
-Muller, A.C., ed. and trans. The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism: Volume I: 元堯 Wonhyo: Selected Works. Seoul: Compilation Committee of Korean Buddhist Thought, 2012.
-Muller, A.C., ed. and trans. The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism: Volume XI: 梵網經古迹記 Exposition of the Sutra of Brahmā's Net. Seoul: Compilation Committee of Korean Buddhist Thought, 2012.
-Muller, A.C. "An Inquiry into Views: Lessons from Buddhism, Behavioral Psychology, and Constructivist Epistemology.” Global Forum on Civilization and Peace: Beyond National Boundaries: Building a World Without Walls. Seongnam-si: Academy of Korean Studies Press, 2011. pp. 159–201. 
-Muller, A.C. "Woncheuk 圓測 on Bimba 本質 and Pratibimba 影像 in his Commentary on the Saṃdhinirmocana-sūtra.” Indogaku bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度學佛教學研究 59–3(2011). pp. 198–206. 
-Muller, A.C. "Wonhyo on the Lotus Sutra." Studies in Indian Philosophy and Buddhism 16(2009). pp. 25-38. 
-Muller, A.C. "The Digital Dictionary of Buddhism [DDB]: Present Status and Future Developments." Scholars of Buddhism in Japan: Buddhist Studies in the 21st Century. Kyoto: International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2009. pp. 87-100.
-Muller, A.C. and Richard McBride, eds. and trans. The Collected Works of Korean Buddhism: Volume VI: 諸敎學 Doctrinal Treatises: Selected Works. Seoul: Compilation Committee of Korean Buddhist Thought, 2012.
-Muller, A.C. and Cuong T. Nguyen, eds. Wŏnhyo's Philosophy of Mind. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2011.
-Muller, A.C., Masahiro Shimoda, Kiyonori Nagasaki, et al. "The Origins and Current State of Digitization of Humanities in Japan." Digital Humanities 2010. pp. 68-70.
-Muller, A.C. "Wonhyo and Logic." Bulletin of Toyo Gakuen University 16(2008) pp. 1–17.
-Nagasaki Kiyonori. "A Collaboration System for the Philology of the Buddhist Study." Digital Humanities 2008. pp.262-263.
-Nagasaki Kiyonori, Toru Tomabechi, and Masahiro Shimoda. "Toward a Digital Research Environment for Buddhist Studies." Digital Humanities 2011. pp. 342-343.
-Nagasaki Kiyonori, A.C. Muller, and Masahiro Shimoda. "Aspects of the Interoperability in the Digital Humanities." Digital Humanities 2009. pp. 375-377.
-Shimoda Masahiro and Sengaku Mayeda. Spread and influence of Hinduism and Buddhism in Asia. Delhi: Originals, 2010.
-Shimoda Masahiro. "Some Reflections on the History of Buddhist Canons in Ancient India." Indian Philosophy and Text Science. Delhi: Motiral Banarsidass, 2010. pp. 33-57.
-Shimoda Masahiro. "The State of Research on Mahayana Buddhism: The Mahayana as Seen in the Development in the Study of Mahayana Sutras." Acta Asiatica: Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture 96(2009). pp. 1-23. 
-Tomabechi Toru, ed. Adhyardhasatika Prajñaparamita: Sanskrit and Tibeatn Texts. Vienna: Austrian academy of sciences press, 2009.
-Tomabechi Toru and Luo Hong, eds. Candrakirti's Vajrasattvanispadanasutra: Sanskrit and Tibetan texts. Vienna: Austrian academy of sciences press, 2009.

***招待講演 [#b239d08f]
-Muller, A.C. and Kiyonori Nagasaki. "The Present Status of the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and its Potentials for Usage in Translation and Markup." Early Chán Manuscripts among the Dūnhuáng Findings: Resources in the Mark-up and Digitization of Historical Texts. University of Oslo, 2009.10.1. 
-Shimoda Masahiro. "Appearance of a Corpus of Buddhist Scriptures and Appearance of a World of Buddhism, United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations 2551/ 2008." Hanoi, 2008.5.15.
-Shimoda Masahiro."Mahayana as a Continuous Movement of Creating Sutras: Focusing on a Nirvana Sutra in the Ekottaragama Intermediate between the Main Stream and the Mahayana." Stanford University, 2008.2.7. 

***その他(講演・発表) [#x94ddf27]

-下田正弘:「人文情報学の現在」, 東京大学「知の構造化センター」シンポジウム, 東京大学, 2011.2.5.
-下田正弘:「法華経と涅槃経」, 日本印度学仏教学会第61回学術大会, 立正大学(東京), 2010.9.10.
-下田正弘:「近代仏教学の展開と宗学」, 土井道子記念京都哲学会シンポジウム, 京都ガーデンパレス, 2010.9.9.
-永崎研宣:「実践としての人文情報学(Digital Humanitiesを含む)における諸問題」, 東洋学へのコンピュータ利用第22回研究セミナー, 京都大学人文科学研究所附属東アジア人文情報学研究センター, 2011.3.18.
-永崎研宣:「人文学における構造化記述の意義と課題」, 「訓点資料の構造化記述」発表会, 国立国語学研究所(東京), 2010.12.26.
-永崎研宣:「現代のテキストDBと高麗蔵」, 「日本仏教と高麗版大蔵経」高麗版大蔵経発願1000年記念, 仏教大学(京都), 2010.10.30.
-Muller, A.C.:「円測『解深密経疏』における本質と影像」, 日本印度学仏教学会第61回学術大会,  立正大学(東京), 2010.9.11.

-Muller, A.C. "Advancing the Development of Digital Scholarship: SAT, CEH, and the DDB." Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies. Honolulu, 2011.3.31.
-Muller, A.C. "The Digital Dictionary of Buddhism [DDB]: A Model for the Sustainable Development of a Collaborative, Field-wide Web Reference Service." The Conference on Digital Buddhist Texts and International Collaboration. Dongguk University (Seoul), 2010.11.23.
-Muller, A.C. "An Inquiry into Views: Lessons from Buddhism, Behavioral Psychology, and Constructivist Epistemology." The Global Forum on Civilization and Peace: Beyond National Boundaries: Building a World Without Walls. Academy of Korean Studies(Seoul), 2010.9.30.
-Muller, A.C. and Kiyonori Nagasaki. "The Present Status of the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and its Potentials for Usage in Translation and Markup." The workshop on Early Chán Manuscripts among the Dūnhuáng Findings: Resources in the Mark-up and Digitization of Historical Texts. University of Oslo, 2009.10.1.
-Nagasaki Kiyonori et al. "Digitizing the Hōbōgirin Following the Mark-up Guidelines of TEI: Potentialities and Problems." The Osaka Symposium on Digital Humanities 2011. Osaka University, 2011.9.13.
-Nagasaki Kiyonori, Masahiro Shimoda, et al. "Multi-Device Delivery of Research Results: Case Study of Ningbo Project." The Culture and Computing 2011. Kyoto University, 2011.10.22.
-Nagasaki Kiyonori. "Interoperation of Databases for Buddhist Studies." The XVIth Congress of the International Association for Buddhist Studies 2011. Dharma Drum Buddhist College (Taiwan), 2011.6.25.
-Shimoda Masahiro. "Building a Buddhist Research Knowledge Base through International Cooperation: A Model for Evolving Humanities" The Symposium of Jinmonkom 2010. Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2010.12.11.
-Shimoda Masahiro. "The project of a Buddhist Research Knowledge Base." The Conference on Digital Buddhist Texts and International Collaboration. Dongguk University (Seoul), 2010.11.23.
-Shimoda Masahiro. "The History of Buddhism as Media Development: The Changing Possibilities of Religious Studie." International Association for the Religion History of Religion. University of Toronto, 2010.8.19.
-Shimoda Masahiro. "Reconsidering the Mahaparinirvanasutra in the Mahayana: Focusing Specifically on the Difference between Nirvana Sutras in the Vinaya-pitaka and Those in the Sutrapitaka." Nirvanasutra Workshop. University of Munich, 2010.7.28.
-Shimoda Masahiro. "The Origins and Current State of Digitization of Humanities in Japan." Digital Humanities 2010. Kings College(London), 2010.7.10.
-Tomabechi Toru. "Buddhist Philology in the Age of Digital Humanities: Retro- and Prospect." The Osaka Symposium on Digital Humanities 2011. Osaka University, 2011.9.13.
-Tomabechi Toru et al. "Hyper-Lamotte, Cyber-Frauwallner? Transmitting "traditional" methods of Buddhist Studies in the Web-sphere." The XVIth Congress of the International Association for Buddhist Studies 2011. Dharma Drum Buddhist College (Taiwan), 2011.6.25.