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Search word : "santi" : Including related character :

3 hits : 1 --- [ keyword count ]


雜阿含經 (No. 0099) 0256x09 - 0256x09:  Footnote  Iti hoti, santi hoti, itthM(sic) santi hoti, evaM santi [show] (12 hits)
雜阿含經 (No. 0099) 0354x07 - 0354x07:  Footnote  1.4.4.\Na santi and 6.\SaddhA.〔No.100(284)〕 [show] (1 hit)
善見律毘婆沙 (No. 1462) 0745x12 - 0745x12:  Footnote  aTThAnAni santi. [show] (1 hit)

Produced by: The SAT Daizōkyō Text Database Committee

Established: March 17, 1998. Updated: April 1, 2008. (c) 1998-2008 All rights reserved.