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Conditions for Use of the SAT Database(4/1/2008)
The SAT Daizōkyō Text Database Committee

(Coverage of SAT Database)
1.What is referred to here as "SAT Database" includes the textual data, metadata, graphic characters, character definitions, images, and charts from the Taishō shinshū daizōkyō on this web site that have been input by the research committee.

(Purpose of Use)
2.The usage of this data is limited to individual and group academic purposes, or other non-profit purposes. Any case of usage of these materials for commercial purposes is prohibited without the express written consent of Daizō shuppan kabushiki kaisha.

(Prohibition of Re-Distribution)
3. Distribution of the contents of this database via the Internet or other forms of media is prohibited unless clearly stated, subsequent to the full stable establishment of our system. This does not obstruct the rules regarding provided for by Article 32 of the Copyright Law. Furthermore, in the case of redistribution of data included in this site, but which is created by other parties, and whose conditions fall outside the conditions of the original data of this web site, please make note of and respect the conditions attached to that data by its owners. Conditions for future re-distribution of the data are currently under review.

(Forwarding of Reports)
4.In the case of discovery of mistaken characters and other errors, please do notify this committee. In that case, please inform us of the volume, the page, and the line, etc. that correspond with the error.

(Public Release of Results)
5.In the case of the publication of research results or some other production that has utilized this database, we would greatly appreciate it if you could clearly describe the role taken by this database within this publication, and when possible, forward us a copy of the product or publication. To the extent that examples of usage of this database will help to deepen our understanding of the effort of digitization of humanities materials in general, and help us all in the further development of this mode of research activity, we seek your ongoing cooperation.

6.The committee assumes no responsibility for any case where damage is caused by the usage of this database.