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Search word : "Bodhisattva" : Including related character :

8 hits : 1 --- [ keyword count ]


方廣大莊嚴經 (No. 0187) 0551x03 - 0551x03:  Footnote  \Bodhisattva-antika [show] (1 hit)
大方廣菩薩藏文殊師利根本儀軌經 (No. 1191) 0836x37 - 0836x37:  Footnote  菩薩行\Bodhisattva caryA. [show] (1 hit)
大方廣菩薩藏文殊師利根本儀軌經 (No. 1191) 0836x43 - 0836x43:  Footnote  菩薩藏\Bodhisattva-piTaka. [show] (1 hit)
廣百論本 (No. 1570) 0182x03 - 0182x03:  Footnote  half of \Bodhisattva-yogAcAra \CatuH-Zataka-ZAstrakArikA. [show] (1 hit)
瑜伽師地論 (No. 1579) 0478x02 - 0478x02:  Footnote  梵本\Bodhisattva-bhUmi京都帝國大學所藏 [show] (1 hit)
瑜伽師地論 (No. 1579) 0478x03 - 0478x03:  Footnote  持瑜伽處種姓品第一\Bodhisattva-bhUmau AdhAre yoga.(sthA)ne prathamaM g [show] (1 hit)
大乘集菩薩學論 (No. 1636) 0077x10 - 0077x10:  Footnote  \Bodhisattva-prAtimokSa. [show] (1 hit)
翻譯名義集 (No. 2131) 1060x08 - 1060x08:  Footnote  \Bodhisattva. [show] (1 hit)

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